Companies and organizations that sponsor the 2022 INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS 2022) will connect with about 200 international attendees during the conference time. The program consists of keynote/plenary and technical paper sessions.  Attendees, ranging from doctoral students to senior researchers in academia and industry, will share their findings and discuss Service Science related research and education work, learn emerging technologies and applications, and network with international leaders and professionals in the field.


Network – Your organization will have the opportunity to collaborate with key leaders from Academia, Industry, Government, and International Research Communities.

Access – Your organization will have the opportunity to tap the pool of Ph.D. and M.S. student talent at the conference.

Learn – Your organization can take advantage of learning about new and emerging technologies across multiple areas of influence.

Promote – Highlight your organization’s expertise and product/service opportunities in the field of Service Science and Systems.

Partner – The conference’s diverse group of attendees opens up new opportunities for your organization to expand its connections and secure future partnerships with key decision makers.

Platinum Sponsorship — $5,000
Choose one exclusive sponsorships from below:

  • One of morning plenary sessions including introducing keynote speaker (3 available)
  • Exclusive recognition as one of conference lunch sponsors (3 available)
  • Exclusive recognition as the conference banquet sponsor (1 available)

Platinum Contributors receive:

  1. Three (3) conference registrations
  2. Acknowledgement of sponsorship:
    a)  Logo and link on conference website (Home page & Sponsorship page)
    b)  Sponsor Logo recognition in conference program
    c)  Sponsor Logo recognition on signage (placed in high traffic areas)
    d)  Company flyer/brochure can be included in the registration material

Award Sponsorship — $5,000
Choose one exclusive sponsorships from below:

  • Exclusive recognition (Sponsor Named Award) as one of conference best paper competition sponsors (2 available)

Award Contributors receive:

  1. Three (3) conference registrations
  2. Acknowledgement of sponsorship:
    a)  Logo and link on conference website (Home page & Sponsorship page)
    b)  Sponsor Logo recognition in conference program
    c)  Sponsor Logo recognition on signage (placed in high traffic areas)
    d)  Company flyer/brochure can be included in the registration material

Gold Sponsorship — $3,000
Choose one exclusive sponsorships from below:

  • Exclusive recognition as a break sponsor (one of morning or afternoon breaks)
  • Exclusive recognition as the conference reception sponsor (1 available)

Gold Contributors receive:

  1. Two (2) conference registrations
  2. Acknowledgement of sponsorship:
    a)  Logo and link on conference website (Home page & Sponsorship page)
    b)  Sponsor Logo recognition in conference program
    c)  Sponsor Logo recognition on signage (placed in high traffic areas)
    d)  Company flyer/brochure can be included in the registration material

Silver Sponsorship — $2,000

Choose one exclusive sponsorships from below:

  • Exclusive recognition as a workshop or tutorial sponsor (5 available)

Silver Contributors receive:

  1. One (1) conference registrations
  2. Acknowledgement of sponsorship:
    a)  Logo and link on conference website (Home page & Sponsorship page)
    b)  Sponsor Logo recognition in conference program
    c)  Sponsor Logo recognition on signage (placed in high traffic areas)

Bronze Sponsorship — $1000
Bronze Contributors receive:

  1. Acknowledgement of sponsorship:
    a)  Logo and link on conference website (Home page & Sponsorship page)
    b)  Sponsor Logo recognition in conference program
    c)  Sponsor Logo recognition on signage (placed in high traffic areas)

Acknowledgement in program (a page) — $500

This option for companies who wish to be acknowledged via the conference program, a high-quality printed booklet containing a detailed program with a listing of all the papers, panels and keynote speakers.


Link to Company Website — $500

This option for companies who wish to only be acknowledged via the conference website by including a link to their company’s website on the Sponsorship page.

Sponsorship Opportunities

For more information or to secure your sponsorship contact:

Robin Qiu, Email:, or Victor Chan, Email: 

Sponsorship Payment (not ready yet)

Your Organization Name
Your Email