
The ICSS 2022 will run sessions using the Zoom meeting, and all presentations must be pre-recorded. During the allocated time for a session, the session chair will play the pre-recorded videos scheduled to this session, and the authors can choose to interact with the audience for Q&A if they choose to do so. Each pre-recorded presentation is limited to 20 minutes, with 5-10 minutes for Q&A if the authors are present at the session.

You can record your presentation using Zoom or other video recording tools and save it in mp4 format. A helpful zoom tutorial which walks you through recording your presentation on Zoom.  



Tips for Presenters

Please download the following PDF file, which provides you some tips on recording your presentation:


Here are two ZOOM background images if you like to use:

file format and size

You have to record your presentation in mp4 video file format, with a size up to 256 Megabytes. A small size file will save your time to upload your file. Your file should be renamed as “your last name – abstract/paper id”, e.g., smith-paperid500.mp4 assuming Smith’s abstract or paper ID is 500, before you upload it below. If you make a change before the deadline, you can simply upload your updated version using the same file name, which will automatically overwrite your old version.

Upload your mp4 file

Once you have your presentation recorded, you can upload your file below. The file is uploaded with understanding that you (and your coauthors) agree to the terms and conditions* required to present at ICSS 2022.

If you have multiple presentations, you have to upload one at a time as each presentation has its own abstract/paper ID.

Step 1: Select File from your local computer

Step 2: Fill in Name, Paper ID, and Email

Step 3: Upload File

(Please pay attention to Indicators -> uploading … a successful message will be popped out when it is done successfully. Your will also receive a confirmation email from the system. You might have to check your junk folder too.)


Upload files


If you have trouble uploading the video, try switching to Google Chrome browser or contact our support team.

*Disclaimer (Terms and Conditions): All sessions (live or pre-recorded) sessions will be recorded and posted on conference websites or other social media. If you don’t want to have your picture or voice recorded, please use chat when attending the conference. By default, all conference presenters, session hosts, and participants will allow the conference to record and post their presentations with their works, voices, and images.